
Tektronix MSO4104B混移动信号示波器


简介:Tektronix MSO4104B混合信号示波器:1GHz,四通道,5GSa/s,10M/CH,10.4XGA显示,波形巡检功能,带逻辑分析通道。 Tektronix MSO4104B混合信号示波器拥有高达1 GHz的带宽和5 GS/s的...

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Tektronix MSO4104B混合信号示波器:1GHz,四通道,5GSa/s,10M/CH,10.4"XGA显示,波形巡检功能,带逻辑分析通道。
Tektronix MSO4104B混合信号示波器拥有高达1 GHz的带宽和5 GS/s的采样率,Tektronix MSO4104B混合信号示波器为查看快速变化的信号细节提供了所需的性能。Tektronix MSO4104B混合信号示波器可以同时分析模拟信号、数字信号和串行信号。再加上自动串行和并行总线分析、创新的Wave Inspector®控制功能和自动电源测量功能,Tektronix MSO4104B混合信号示波器简化了加快复杂设计的调试工作。

Vertical System Analog Channels
Input Channels Analog Bandwidth (–3 dB) 5 mV/div - 1 V/div: 1 GHz
Calculated Rise Time 5 mV/div (typical): 350ps
Hardware Bandwidth Limits 20 MHz or 250 MHz
Input Coupling AC, DC
Input Impedance 1 MΩ ±1%, 50 Ω ±1%
Input Sensitivity, 1 MΩ 1 mV/div to 10 V/div
Input Sensitivity, 50 Ω 5 VRMS with peaks < ±20 V
Vertical Resolution 8 bits (11 bits with Hi Res)
Max Input Voltage, 1 MΩ 300 VRMS CAT II with peaks ≤ ±425 V
Max Input Voltage, 50 Ω 5 VRMS with peaks < ±20 V
DC Gain Accuracy ±1.5%, derated at 0.10%/°C above 30°C
≥100:1 at ≤100 MHz and ≥30:1 at >100 MHz up to t
he rated bandwidth for any two channels having equal
volts/div settings
Offset Range
Range 1MΩ 50Ω
1mV/div to 50mV/div ±1V ±1V
50.5 mV/div to 99.5 mV/div ±0.5V ±0.5V
100 mV/div to 500 mV/div ±10V ±10V
505 mV/div to 995 mV/div ±5V ±5V
1 V/div to 5 V/div ±100V ±5V
5.05 V/div to 10 V/div ±50V n/a
Vertical System Digital Channels
Input Channels 16 Digital (D15 - D0)
Thresholds Per-channel Thresholds
Threshold Selections TTL, CMOS, ECL, PECL, User Defined
User-defined Threshold Range ±40V
Maximum Input Voltage ±42Vpeak
Threshold Accuracy ±(100 mV + 3% of threshold setting)
Input Dynamic Range 30 Vp-p ≤200 MHz
10 Vp-p >200 MHz
Minimum Voltage Swing 400 mV
Input Impedance 100 kΩ
Probe Loading 3 pF
Vertical Resolution 1 bit
Horizontal System Analog Channels
Maximum Sample Rate (All channels) 5 GS/s
Maximum Record Length (All channels) 20M points
Maximum Duration at Highest Sample Rate (All channels) 4 ms
Time Base Range 400 ps to 1,000 s
Time Base Delay Time Range –10 divisions to 5000 s
Channel-to-Channel Deskew Range ±125 ns
Time Base Accuracy ±5 ppm over any ≥1 ms interval
Horizontal System Digital Channels
Maximum Sample Rate (Main) 500 MS/s (2 ns resolution)
Maximum Record Length (Main) 20M points
Maximum Sample Rate (MagniVu) 16.5 GS/s (60.6 ps resolution)
Maximum Record Length (MagniVu) 10k points centered around the trigger
Minimum Detectable Pulse Width (Typical) 1ns
Channel-to-Channel Skew (Typical) 200 ps
Maximum Input Toggle Rate 500 MHz
Maximum frequency sine wave that can accurately be reproduced as a logic square wave. Requires the use of a short ground extender on each channel.
This is the maximum frequency at the minimum swing amplitude. Higher toggle rates can be achieved with higher amplitudes

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